Art Not Ads - Pixels for Everyone!
Art Not Ads - Pixels for Everyone!

It might
be art

Introducing "It might be art"! Dive into a 9x9 grid universe where creativity knows no bounds. Craft unique icons or remix existing ones. Join our community and redefine art pixel by pixel.

The canvas awaits—what will you create?


keep it, share it - do whatever you want!

choose your colors:


check our socials for the latest creations #ItMightBeArt #imba

about phase 0

As the christmas season approaches, our social media feeds often become a showcase of consumerism, filled with endless displays of material possessions. But this year, "IT MIGHT BE ART" invites you to break the cycle. Introducing phase 0: the "9x9 grid for everyone" – a digital canvas where everyone is an artist, where creativity transcends commerce. This isn't just about making art; it's about making a statement. As you craft and share your unique creations, you're not just filling feeds with art; you're breaking the monotony of materialism.

"IT MIGHT BE ART" is more than a platform; it's a movement. A movement where art is not a commodity, but a connector. A connector that unites people across societal layers, classes, ethnicities, and beliefs. Here, there are no boundaries, no exclusions – only inclusivity and unity. This holiday season, let's redefine what fills our feeds. Let's replace the endless parade of products with a mosaic of creativity. Every pixel you place, every idea you share, is a step towards a community-driven world of art, free from the constraints of consumerism. Join us in this journey. Become a creator, a community member, a change-maker. Together, let's transform our digital landscape – pixel by pixel, idea by idea."IT MIGHT BE ART" – Where every pixel is a protest against consumerism, and every creation is a step towards a more inclusive, artistic world.